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Plan for Your Huntingdon Small Business's Fourth Quarter

Offer Valid: 12/11/2022 - 12/11/2024

As the fourth quarter finally draws to a close, small businesses must begin the process of evaluating their progress toward annual goals as well as planning for the upcoming year. This includes holiday marketing, updating your website and social media, assessing inventory, and reviewing your accounting practices. Taking the time to do this quarterly reflection and planning will help ensure a successful and profitable year ahead.


2022 Goal Achievement


The first step in fourth quarter planning is to evaluate how well you have achieved your goals for the year. This will give you a good starting point for setting new goals for the upcoming year. To accurately assess your goal achievement, review your original goals and objectives, compare them to your actual results, and identify any areas where you fell short. This analysis will help you set more realistic and achievable goals for next year.


2023 Goals


After you have evaluated your goal achievement for the year, it is time to start planning for next year. Begin by outlining your overall goals and objectives for the upcoming year. Once you have done that, break down those goals into smaller quarterly or monthly targets. Having specific and measurable targets will help you stay on track throughout the year and measure your progress toward your overall goals.


Holiday Marketing Plans


The holidays are a critical time for small businesses, so it is important to have a well-thought-out marketing plan in place. Begin by assessing what worked well last year and what didn’t. Based on that analysis, create a list of targeted marketing activities that you will execute in the fourth quarter. These could include email campaigns, social media promotions, or direct mailings. Whatever marketing activities you choose, be sure to start planning early so that you can execute them effectively.


Website & Social Media Updates


If you haven’t already done so, now is a good time to update your website and social media profiles for the fourth quarter. This includes adding any new products or services that you will be offering during the holiday season, as well as updating your contact information and hours of operation. Keeping your website and social media profiles up-to-date will ensure that customers can easily find the information they need about your business.


Also, whenever possible, try to target your marketing efforts. For example, new parents might not have the same buying interests as college students, so if you’ve already put together a PDF of promotional materials and you want to go the extra mile, use this free tool to split it into multiple PDFs and send them to specific target audiences, perhaps through social media groups.


Inventory & Supply Chain


As the holidays approach, it is important to assess your inventory levels to ensure that you have enough product on hand to meet customer demand. This includes not only finished goods but also raw materials and other supplies needed to produce those goods. If you are running low on inventory, now is the time to order more from your suppliers so that you can avoid stock outages during peak sales periods. Additionally, review your supply chain to ensure that all orders placed with suppliers can be fulfilled in a timely manner.


Accounting Practices


The end of the year is also a good time to review your accounting practices to ensure that they are up-to-date and accurate. This includes reconciling bank statements, reviewing invoices and vendor contracts, and preparing financial statements for tax purposes. Taking care of these tasks now will save you time and hassle later on when tax season rolls around.


Income Tax Season Preparations


No one likes paying taxes, but unfortunately, it is something all businesses must do on an annual basis. To make tax season as painless as possible, start gathering all of the necessary documentation now so that you can easily prepare your tax return when the time comes. This documentation includes financial statements, receipts for business expenses, records of inventory purchases, and payroll reports. Organizing these documents ahead of time will make filing your taxes much easier come April 15th.


Your Business Structure


The fourth quarter is also a good time to reevaluate your business structure to ensure that it is still meeting your needs. This includes things like your business model, organizational structure, employee roles, etc. If any changes are needed, now is the time to make them so that you can start off the new year with a fresh perspective.


As we close out another successful year, it is important for small businesses to take some time Reflect on their accomplishments, set new goals, and update their plans accordingly. By taking these quarterly steps, businesses can ensure a smooth transition into the new year. Thanks for following along, and we wish all our readers a Happy New Year!


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